我后来看了一下上次发的那篇文章,觉得那样阅读起来不太方便,所以今天是 一段原文,一段翻译文这样来写,
My diyground control station
【原文】Wellfirst of all I'll start with the reason I chose to build this ground stationinstead of using a laptop,So after many times of carrying the laptoparound assembling and disassembling parts and cables xbees usb cablesand suchI figured my laptop days as ground station will be numbered.
【翻译文】(这一段翻得不是很顺 有没有大神帮我纠正一下)所以经过很多次带着笔记本电脑到处组装拆卸元器件以及电路数传模块、usb电路,我终于意识到我把笔记本电脑作为地面站的日子要走到尽头了(估计 PO主的笔电这个时候也快挂了)
Because of this I decided that I needed a ground station that would save me the need to deal with the assembling
and disassembling in the field and will be more durable then my laptop
First I had to plan my shopping and inventory list
I had an old laptop with a broken screen that did not survive its frequent trips
around and my poor handling skills And an older laptop screen that i planned on
using with the other laptop mother board in order to do it I had to buy a lcd adapter
that will let me use the vga port on the motherboard with the lvds laptop screen
这样我就可以在主机板上装上vga端口 和lvds笔电屏幕.
本帖最后由 小茑 于 2016-3-18 14:09 编辑
That's about what I had to start with.
The second thing was to look for a case that will be large enough to contain the
mother board the screen another small screen that will fit in the remaining space
and some lcd meters for giving a better look mostly and some 3 position switches
After many searches I found an old stock of Pelican at an affordable price and size
that is suitable for my budget and needs i measured the space that left after installing
the main screen and figure out that a 5 inch screen will just fit.
做了很多调查后我发现 有人在卖二手的pelican派力肯箱子,价格在我的预算之内,
本帖最后由 小茑 于 2016-3-18 14:10 编辑
then i needed to think of a way to install everything in a way that would give me
easy access to the parts just for any case
翻译的不错 继续哈
飞行少年 发表于 2016-3-18 14:23
翻译的不错 继续哈
{:1_12:}在翻呢 飞行少年 发表于 2016-3-18 14:23
翻译的不错 继续哈
{:1_12:}在翻呢 【原】
after trying multiple materials Plexiglas plywood and others which are not
very easy to work with without machinery which i didnt have access to i found
just what i needed a pvc foam it is not the perfect material consider his toughness
which is lacking but it is very easy to work with and so i chose it and start to cut
holes and install the switches and lcds
本帖最后由 小茑 于 2016-3-18 14:47 编辑
for the finishing touch of the station i used a vinyl sticker in a 3d carbon woven pattern
which gave the panel a nicer look
some technical details:
for powering the station i chose to use a sla battery instead of lipo for some reasons
first it is easier to deal with in terms of charging it and is much safer then lipo
second it is cheaper and heavier so I can save money and use it for balancing the case
电池我用的是sla 而不是 lipo, 原因是:
i also wanted to be able to hook the station to ac power when its available
so i searched for some ac/dc converter that will meet my power demends and
it turned out that i missed it in my calculation by a bit but for the moment it is working
and i see no reason to change it but when it brake i'll certenly buy a bigger one capable
of outputing more current
{:1_10:}脑细胞要死了 支持楼主,这样的好文给大家分享
冬子 发表于 2016-3-18 16:32
O(∩_∩)O谢谢 有些地方还翻的不是很好呢 楼主,介绍几个国外航模论坛给我看看吧,去学习学习
不撸僧 发表于 2016-3-18 17:06
行啊 我私信给你 或者加我扣扣链接放上来会被当广告贴踢了不? 狼哥支持你,请加狼哥微信号码ftlzzy 小茑 发表于 2016-3-18 17:14
行啊 我私信给你 或者加我扣扣链接放上来会被当广告贴踢了不?
还有发帖第一楼要放置一张图片,我可以把你的文章推送到论坛首页幻灯片里面,先给你加个精华 小茑 发表于 2016-3-18 14:34
after trying multiple materials Plexiglas plywood and others which are not
very easy to work...