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翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程

发表于 2017-5-24 14:08:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 eagle56 于 2017-5-24 14:08 编辑



FrSky Telemetry
This mod adds the ability to display FrSky telemetryvalues on the 9x transmitter when using the er9X firmware.
THIS IS NOT A SIMPLE MOD! It involves cutting circuitboard traces and soldering very tiny wires directly onto very tiny processorpins. If you’re not experienced with circuit boards or don’t have a SMALLtipped soldering iron, look at the 9x TelemetrEZ board instead and save yourself alot of trouble.
本MOD(modification “改造,修改”的意思)不是一个简单的改动,包括PCB板切线,在芯片针脚上直接锡焊连接线,如果没有足够的PCB切线经验和小焊点焊接经验,请移步购买 9x TelemetrEZ
This tutorial is from WithoutRS232 Level Converter, you mightalso find this one useful WithRS232 Level Converter
The mod itself has 2 steps:
  • Reroute 2     switches to different pins on the processor
  • Connect     the telemetry data circuits from the module into the 9x. There are several     methods to achieve this. This method utilizes 2 unused pins on the module     connector to transmit telemetry data to the 9x transmitter, which still     allows the use of other modules. Note that the 2 pins     used will have to be isolated in any other modules used to be safe.
将高频头的两根遥测信号接入到9X遥控器上。这一步可以通过很多方式实现,本MOD使用高频头上两个没有使用的针脚将遥测数据接入到9X遥控器, 如遥控器还要使用其他高频头,为安全起见,在使用其他高频头之前,请将这两个针脚的连线断开,以便隔离。
NOTE: When doing the Telemetry Mod, keep in mind that if you do the mod ona stock 9x transmitter BEFORE flashing it, when you connect to the TX (or evenpower it up) it will give a constant “Switch Error!” alarm. DON’T PANIC! TheOEM firmware expects a “closed” circuit on each switch during POST, and willtrigger that alarm BECAUSE we’ve cut the traces to pin 41 & 42. Theer9x/open9x Telemetry version firmware resolves this issue.
注意:用本MOD 方法改线后,如果9x遥控器使用原有固件,当你开机是会永远提示有两个开关没有复位。刷了支持遥测版本的er9x或者opentx固件后就可以解决这问题。
Required for this mod:
  • 2 x 200     (or 220) ohm resistors
  • 470 Ohm     resistor
  • 150mm / 6″     thin (30-32 AWG) wire, preferably in different colors
  • A small     plug can be helpful to disconnect the telemetry connections, like a 2     position micro JST.
  • Thin heat     shrink tubing to cover solder joints
  • A SMALL     tip for your soldering iron, e.g. 1/32″ (0.8mm) or even smaller
Rerouting switches
The first part of this mod frees up the RXD and TXDspecial-purpose pins (2 & 3) on the ATmega64 processor that are used forsimple switch inputs from the Throttle Cut & Aileron Dual-Rate switches. Theswitches are moved to pins 41 (PC6) & 42 (PC7).
第一步,先将与主控芯片连接的THR和AIL开关,从第2、3 针脚,改到41、42针脚。
There are 2 methods of doing this:
This method involves removing 2 SMD resistors thenconnecting this area to pins 41 & 42 on the ATmega64 processor via 2 x 220Ohm resistors.
We start by removing 2 SMD resistors as shown:
翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 1819

Next connect pins 41 & 42 to where the SMD resistorswere removed via 220 Ohm resistors. Use really fine single strand wire, forexample the 36AWG teflon coated wire HobbyKing sells, or fine PVC insulatedwire. The pins on the ATmega64 are delicate! Tin the wire & the pin, holdthe wire on the pin, then touch a fine point soldering iron onto the joint.Don’t pull up on the wire, rather pull gently in the direction of the pin totest the joint. This is also a good time to connect the wire for the haptic modto pin 43:
翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 348

Locate the soldering points for the wires where the SMDresistors were removed:

翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 9133

  • Hot glue 2     x 220 Ohm resistors to the main PCB and connect one side to the wires     soldered to pins 41 & 42.
  • Connect     the other side of the resistor to where the SMD resistors were removed as     identified above. Note which SMD resistor location connects to which pin.

翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 9478

The second method retains the 2 SMD resistors that areremoved in method 1, but instead 2 traces have to be cut.

翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 5210

These traces are pretty small, so a steady hand and goodeye will be required! Use a #11 Blade hobby knife and a good magnifier. Onehard cut with the blade tip then one more with the back side of the tip makes agood cut and separation of pad and trace. With a sharp tipped iron pre tin theSMD resistor solder point, using leaded solder, since it melts at a lower temp.
Use really fine single strand wire, for example the 36AWGteflon coated wire HobbyKing sells to connect the ends of the SMD resistorsdirectly (without the 220 Ohm resistors) to the processor pins 41 & 42 asshown in method 1. Pre tin the wire and do a fast on and off solder joint. Toomuch heat and the resistor may be damaged or fall off, which will also happenwith too large a tip or too high heat. The pre tinning should make it fast andeasy.
Use a multimeter to ensure the SMD resistor is stilldisconnected from the pads when done.
【译者:然后用导线将41脚和42脚连接到下图位置,具体顺序和方法1 一样】

翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 8941

Connecting the FrSky module
Now we get to the first step of the second part of thismod.
As we are using the unused pins 2 & 5 on the moduleconnector to send telemetry information to & from the FrSky module, thesepins must be isolated. Remove the rear PCB from the rear half of thetransmitter by taking out the 4 screws shown by the red arrows:

翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 4460

Locate pin 2 on the painted side of the rear PCB. You mayhave to scratch some of the paint away to see the traces, then cut the traceson both sides of the pin:

翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 806

Before replacing the rear PCB, note that on the latest 9xtransmitters, there is a lip around the pins in the module bay, now would be agood time to remove this with a Dremel or similar, otherwise the FrSky DJTmodule wont fit. Replace the rear PCB when done.

翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 9060

On the other side of the rear PCB, also cut the traces onboth sides of pin 2 and on one side of pin 5 as shown. It’s always a good ideato check the pins with a multimeter to ensure the traces have been fully cut.

翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 4884

To complete the mod, solder a 470 Ohm resistor to pin 2,then connect the 2 wires that go to pins 2 & 3 on the ATmega64 processor:

翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 6479

Processor connections shown below will be completedduring the programmer installation process:
翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 9259

 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-24 14:09:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-5-24 16:26:11 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-24 18:00:41 | 显示全部楼层
LIHUA 发表于 2017-5-24 16:34 翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:eagle56 2972

发表于 2017-5-24 22:29:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-5-24 23:23:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-5-25 11:35:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-5-25 22:38:46 | 显示全部楼层
感谢楼主分享  学习了                           
发表于 2017-5-26 07:48:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-7-21 21:20:41 | 显示全部楼层
楼主好棒呀!能看一下有没有华科尔d12s的改装教程!!!翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:会飞的胡胡 8388 翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:会飞的胡胡 3514 翻译:富斯9 telemetry改线教程 遥控器,富斯,FRSKY,固件,opentx 作者:会飞的胡胡 397 {:1_13:}{:1_13:}
发表于 2018-11-4 10:47:37 | 显示全部楼层
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