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发表于 2017-1-4 10:44:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2017-1-4 11:09:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-1-4 14:38:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-1-4 14:45:44 | 显示全部楼层
set roll_yaw_cam_mix_degrees = 0
Need feedback about proof of concept feature for mixing of roll and yaw to FPV cam angle. set roll_yaw_cam_mix_degrees = <degrees></degrees>
Here a good preview for this option: FPV camera tilt compensation
Another video on this option: Betaflight Camera Uptilt Compensation
set gyro_lpf = 188HZ
[OFF,188HZ,98HZ,42HZ,EXPERIMENTAL(2.5.0)] See Gyro Filtering Recommendations for more information.
This is the internal gyro filtering value. The lower the value the more buffering and delay will be introduced to gyro. Must be set to OFF to enable 2K mode (starting with Version 2.3.0)(starting with Version 2.4 this is automatically set to OFF if 500 looptime is selected in the GUI)
(F1 boards must disable accelerometer with set acc_hardware = 1 and in case there are other sensors on board like baro and mag disable those too. set mag_hardware = 1 and set baro_hardware = 1) Disabling any level modes
Hardware lowpass filter for gyro. Allowed values depend on the driver - For example MPU6050 allows 5,10,20,42,98,188,256Hz, while MPU3050 doesn't allow 5Hz. If you have to set gyro lpf below 42Hz generally means the frame is vibrating too much, and that should be fixed first. Values outside of supported range will usually be ignored by drivers, and will configure lpf to default value of 42Hz.
Boris said:
gyro_lpf = OFF basically still means there is a little bit of filtering on the gyro. When setting it to EXPERIMENTAL it will remove any possible filtering and give raw data, which is extremely noisy. I don't recommend it. I just added it to be there in case someone wants to play with it.
For V2.4.0 and above- see the set gyro_sync_denom CLI command below.
(starting with Version 2.4 the following hardware is automatically set to NONE on F1 boards if 500usec looptime is selected in the GUI)
set acc_hardware = 0 (default on) (must be set to 1 for 2K mode on F1 targets)
[0,...,9] (from 2.4.0 [AUTO,NONE,...])
Sets the accelerometer 0 means auto detect, 1 means NONE, 2 for ADXL345, 3 for MPU6050 integrated accelerometer, 4 for MMA8452, 5 for BMA280, 6 for LSM303DLHC, 7 for MPU6000, 8 for MPU6500
NB - There's an issue with configurator that means the gyro icon goes dark when you disable the accelerometer - it's here: https://github.com/cleanflight/cleanflight-configurator/issues/313
set baro_hardware = 0 (default on), 1 = disabled
[0,...,3] (from 2.4.0 [AUTO,NONE,...])
set mag_hardware = 0 (default on), 1 = disabled
[0,...,3] (from 2.4.0 [AUTO,NONE,...])
set imu_dcm_kp = 2500
set imu_dcm_ki = 0
set enable_buzzer_p6 = OFF
[OFF,ON] Enables a lost buzzer on ESC Port 6 (CC3D only)
set beeper_off_flags = 256
beeper_off_flags = sum of each desired beeper turned off
BEEPER_RX_LOST_LANDING, 2 // Beeps SOS when armed and TX is turned off or signal lost (autolanding/autodisarm)
BEEPER_RX_LOST, 4         // Beeps when TX is turned off or signal lost (repeat until TX is okay)
BEEPER_DISARMING, 8       // Beep when disarming the board
BEEPER_ARMING, 16         // Beep when arming the board
BEEPER_ARMING_GPS_FIX, 32 // Beep a special tone when arming the board and GPS has fix
BEEPER_BAT_CRIT_LOW, 64   // Longer warning beeps when battery is critically low (repeats)
BEEPER_BAT_LOW, 128       // Warning beeps when battery is getting low (repeats)
BEEPER_, 256              // when plugged into USB
BEEPER_RX_SET, 512        // Beeps when aux channel is set for beep or beep sequence how many satellites has found if GPS enabled
BEEPER_DISARM_REPEAT, 1024        // Beeps sounded while stick held in disarm position
BEEPER_ACC_CALIBRATION, 2048      // ACC inflight calibration completed confirmation
BEEPER_ACC_CALIBRATION_FAIL, 4096 // ACC inflight calibration failed
BEEPER_READY_BEEP, 8192           // Ring a tone when GPS is locked and ready
BEEPER_MULTI_BEEPS, 16384         // Internal value used by 'beeperConfirmationBeeps()'.
BEEPER_ARMED, 32768               // Warning beeps when board is armed (repeats until board is disarmed or throttle is increased)
发表于 2017-1-4 14:47:49 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2017-1-4 17:52:52 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-5 08:59:57 | 显示全部楼层
beckshow 发表于 2017-1-4 17:52

发表于 2017-1-8 10:45:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-5-26 18:53:24 | 显示全部楼层
Entering CLI Mode, type 'exit' to return, or 'help'
发表于 2017-5-26 18:54:02 | 显示全部楼层
# help
1wire - 1-wire interface to escs
        <esc index>
adjrange - configure adjustment ranges
aux - configure modes
color - configure colors
defaults - reset to defaults and reboot
dump - dump configuration
feature - configure features
flash_erase - erase flash chip
flash_info - show flash chip info
get - get variable value
gpspassthrough - passthrough gps to serial
led - configure leds
map - configure rc channel order
mixer - configure mixer
mmix - custom motor mixer
motor - get/set motor
        <index> [<value>]

profile - change profile
rateprofile - change rate profile
rxrange - configure rx channel ranges
rxfail - show/set rx failsafe settings
save - save and reboot
serial - configure serial ports
servo - configure servos
set - change setting
smix - servo mixer
        <rule> <servo> <source> <rate> <speed> <min> <max> <box>
        load <mixer>
        reverse <servo> <source> r|n
status - show status
version - show version

发表于 2017-6-8 03:34:33 | 显示全部楼层
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