Resin method. 用树脂做的方法
Mix up some epoxy resin, andpaint it on to the Mold. 环氧树脂搅拌均匀,然后涂在模型上。 Add graphite powder in the resin,to add blackness and hardness to the Mold. 在树脂上加上石墨粉,这样可以增加模型的黑度和硬度。 This will make it easy to see,trapped air bubbles when using glass fiber to make your parts out of, when theMold is ready. 这样看起来容易看一点,模型做好后抹上气泡和玻璃纤维让它看起来显眼些 Doesn't apply with carbon fiber,because unlike glass, it doesn't go clear when you wet it out. 不要用碳纤维,跟玻璃纤维不一样,弄湿后会不容易清理 Room-temp epoxy resin, cures hardenough to sand in 24-hours. 室温环氧树脂,24小时内足够硬的时候把 At about 3-hours or so, the resinis at a sticky stage. 三个小时左右,树脂会变得有点黏
The reinforcement cloth can thenbe pressed onto the Plug, and the sticky resin will hold it firmly in place. 然后就可以把编织布压到模型上了,然后树脂就会把他很牢固的粘住。 The resin should be soft enoughthat the cloth really sticks to it, but not so soft that resin comes though thecloth and gums up your fingers. 树脂要足够软,编织布才能很好的粘上去,但又要不那么软,否则树脂会从编织布下渗透过来粘到你的手上 Messing with this method overtime, will help you learn the resin you're working with, and help you knowexactly when the resin is ready to stick the cloth into it.