
楼主 |
发表于 2015-11-25 13:35:23
引用google groups上一些人的思路 zap parello
I have absolutely same charger and I'm trying to find what microcontroller it uses.
You have a error in your pinout: the XT1 pin 4 is not connected to anything.
Pin 3 is connected to GND, this is correct.
Also one can observe that the right row of pins on the microcontroller (pins 34-44) ressembles very much the pins 1-11 of a regular atmega32.
The crystal is placed at the same pins, GND and VCC are at the same pins, and pins 36 and 37 are "SCK" and "RESET" on atmega32 which is logic to put on the programming connector.
However, MISO and MOSI are not connected to XT1, which is strange.
Also there are no GND/VCC pins along the other three sides of the microcontroller.
So, I suppose this could be some old Atmel microcontroller. Possibly, the chinese guys found a source of some very cheap very old microcontrollers and implemented an IMAX on them.
This is very laudable from nature protection point of view :-]
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