The actual version 5.03.0 offers the following new features:
Display of preview images in the Model selection dialog.
Display of preview images in the Scenery selection dialog.
4 new sceneries: AMA (Muncie), Hahnweide (Kirchheim/Teck), Mill Hill (Shoreham) und Propnuts Las Vegas.
4 new models: BO105 from Graupner, Indian Spirit indoor and Indian Spirit outdoor from AEROart-Electric-Models plus PITTS SPECIAL from Robbe.
Why this way?
Reflex is available now since 1992. We are proud of our product development history and this is our way to express our thanks. On the other hand we all knwo that the konventional way produces unautorised copies. We could spend a small fortune on security systems but at the end, most systems are cracked anyway.
We ship to you without cost and you may pay whatever you feel is justified.
As a matter of fact, we believe in our clients and we believe that we have a good and trustworthy customer relation. We believe that our clients will be able to recognise the large step in technology and they will be pround to share that development with a fair amount of money. As our existing Reflex customers enabled us to develop XTR, we are publishing the update first.
Update Policy (link)
Who should NOT order the XTR update?
If you know for sure that your computer is unable to match the minimim requirements and you do not intend to change that configuration, you should refrain from ordering XTR. We wont get it to work on sub-minimum systems.
If you dont have a Reflex, please dont order this update. XTR works with the genuine Reflex interface only. It will not work with any joystick or other input devices like the Interlink Controller or the Gamebird or any other input device. I cant spare the necessary legal notice: Even if this XTR update looks like freeware, the licence is granted to the existing Reflex users. We cant check whether you have the Reflex interface or not but ordering it without the interface is a violation of our licence agreement and copyright.