Compiling C++: menus.cpp
avr-gcc -c -mmcu=atmega64 -I. -x c++ -gdwarf-2 -DF_CPU=16000000UL -DCUSTOM9X -DCPUM64 -Os -mrelax -fshort-enums -Wall -MD -MP -MF .dep/menus.o.d menus.cpp -o obj/menus.o
menus.cpp:8216: error: '__int24' does not name a type
menus.cpp: In function 'void perOut(int16_t*, uint8_t)':
menus.cpp:8731: error: 'struct t_output' has no member named 'act'
menus.cpp:8896: error: 'struct t_output' has no member named 'act'
menus.cpp:9008: error: 'struct t_output' has no member named 'act'
menus.cpp: In function 'void menuProcIndex(uint8_t)':
menus.cpp:9686: warning: only initialized variables can be placed into program memory area
menus.cpp: In function 'void menuProcModelIndex(uint8_t)':
menus.cpp:11491: warning: only initialized variables can be placed into program memory area
make.exe: *** [obj/menus.o] Error 1