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机器狗35A电调 大神说说,有什么特别的? [复制链接]

发表于 2018-1-18 15:54:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Robotdog机器狗 穿越机电调35A 支持2-4S BLHeli_32 32Bit大神说说,有什么特别的?

机器狗35A电调 大神说说,有什么特别的? [复制链接] 穿越机,电调,betaflight 作者:Davidleyli 8319

机器狗35A电调 大神说说,有什么特别的? [复制链接] 穿越机,电调,betaflight 作者:Davidleyli 9319

机器狗35A电调 大神说说,有什么特别的? [复制链接] 穿越机,电调,betaflight 作者:Davidleyli 5152

机器狗35A电调 大神说说,有什么特别的? [复制链接] 穿越机,电调,betaflight 作者:Davidleyli 9502

机器狗35A电调 大神说说,有什么特别的? [复制链接] 穿越机,电调,betaflight 作者:Davidleyli 9574

Robotdog 35A is a new 32bit BLHELI ESC that uses the latest BLheli_32 firmware. Dshot up to at least Dshot1200, and at rates up to at least 32kHz is now supported. If you are seeking for a small, powerful blheli_32 capable 32bit ESCs, the Robotdog ESCs certainly fit the bill providing 35Amps of power.

BLHeli_32 is the third generation BLHeli code, following base BLHeli and BLHeli_S. It runs on an ARM 32bit MCU, initially it will be on a Cortex-M0 running at 48MHz, but there are MCUs out there that can run a lot faster.  BLheli_32 can run input signals with lower latency at faster rates. Dshot up to at least Dshot1200, and at rates up to at least 32kHz is now supported.

Here is what BLHELI_32 has to say about their new "Power to perform":

Programmable PWM frequency of up to 48KHz
Auto-timing for higher efficiency and reliability
Voltage/Current limiting
Adjustable “Brake on Stop” force
Improve direction change in Bidirectional mode
ESC Telemetry
Configuring from FC using DShot commands

Blheli32 code
ARM 32bit Cortex-M0 MCU
Dshot up to at least Dshot1200
1500uF cap onboard
2-4s LiPo input.
35A designed
Some Tips:

BLHeli_32 ESC Firmware Overview
How to Connect BLHeli_32 ESC to Congigurator BLHelisuite32 via FC Passthrough
What is Dshot1200 and Why Dshot1200 is Better?
How to Get Dshot1200 Running in Betaflight?
Download the latest BLHeli_32 Configurator here.
Download the BLHeli_32 User Manual here.
Download Betaflight 3.2.0 here.
机器狗35A电调 大神说说,有什么特别的? [复制链接] 穿越机,电调,betaflight 作者:Davidleyli 8812
发表于 2018-1-25 08:56:12 | 显示全部楼层
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