When hardened, sand the edges ofthe cloth surface, to clean the Plug up and get it ready for fairing. Coat the the Plug's glass fiber surface with a fairing compound, so you can sand the Plug smooth, ready to cast a Mold off of it. My fairing compounds are made from epoxy resin, thickened with Q-cell for ease of sandability, Cabosil to thicken and add thixotropic properties, and sometimes Graphite powder to add blackness, and to aid in seeing what you're doing, or for hardness and slickness.
当变硬一些之后,把编织布的边缘给磨平,把模型清理干净备用。用自制的整流罩化合物把模型玻璃纤维的表面 给罩起来,备用,一会要用来做模型。我的整流罩化合物是用环氧树脂做的,用Q-cell加厚,这样易于打磨, 胶态氧化硅要加厚,然后加上一些有触变性的东西,比如石墨粉,既可以增加硬度和光滑度,也能增加黑度