cleanflight 固件升级至 V 1.10.0分享(包含CC3D板子和 naze32板)
链接:密码: nfwc Cleanfilght V1.10.0 固件.rar小T 汉化CF固件地面站
CF离线一键安装包 百度网盘:下载点我(下载后点击CF安装.bat即可,然后在应用启动器里面打开使用, 或者 在chrome浏览器地址栏输入 chrome://apps/)
CF汉化程序2.0 百度网盘:下载点我 (哦,xp用户暂时不可以用哦)
中英文切换程序2.0 百度网盘:下载点我
交流群:GE-FPV航模杂货铺 337416603
昨天看还是RC2 今天发正式的吗?
Sakai7 发表于 2015-9-22 02:03
@hydra hydra released this 2 days ago
IMPORTANT: ** Requires >= v0.66.0 configurator - DEVELOPMENT VERSION **
IMPORTANT: ** Verify your RX and failsafe is configured after upgrading, check your channel endpoints when your rx is operating normally and when in failsafe mode, see rx_min_usec and rx_max_usec **
NOTE: Upgrading from < v1.10.0 will erase your configuration, backup via GUI and CLI before flashing.
NOTE: Some defaults have changed. Do not blindly restore your backups using the CLI.
WARNING: If using FrSky SBus receivers please ensure you are using a version that contains a fix for signal dropouts.
Improved flight performance.
Major failsafe improvements and fixes.
Blackbox logging improvements and fixes.
Allow independent pitch and roll in-flight PID adjustment.
Filtering of Gyro readings.
Configurable servo mixers. - new custom tricopter and custom airplain
Groundwork for TILT flight modes (work-in-progress).
Loads more changes, release-notes to be completed ASAP.
请教xp的怎么用? 顶
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