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【超赞教程】手把手教你制造全木质蝗虫机架”昆塔480“ 附视频 激光切割图纸 高清图片
A01a.jpg (74.87 KB, 下载次数: 0)
2014-10-26 18:40 上传
Thanks to the designers. You guys have shared your great design in full detail, I can’t finish this thread without your work. It is a fantastic wooden frame, that’s the reason I will share this to the world!
【图纸】放出的是可以直接用于激光切割的AutoCAD DWG格式。(全套图纸可在本帖的结尾处进行下载)
【About the Plan】It’s abusolutely AutoCAD “DWG” file, So you can do the laser cut easily.
【About the Text】It’s fully detailed describe from 0% to 100%. In both Chinese & English.
【About the Picture】Step by step process,Demonstrated in real photo & CG Pitures.
【About the Video】Show you how KONTA 480 fly with 3DR APM Autopilot.
在让大家能够参与DIY,利用手边的资源,跟着教程经济廉价打造出属于自己的木质飞行器“昆塔480”。望新手们能够通过教程感受到制作的乐趣,老鸟们也请您在过目之后给出留下更好的提议,让我们大家一同来感受木质机架的独到之处吧。需要说明的是,昆塔480是纯种的国人原创设计。所以我决定双语写作该贴,将昆塔480分享给世界。 I hope this tutorial could be clear enough to guide you build your own KONTA 480. For the beginner, I wish it could help you understand the wooden frame structure. For the veteran, please leave a constructive comment. Let’s explore the wooden frame, make it better & share to everyone!
Important Notice: All the Plan/Text/Picture/Video are freely download. Please don’t use them for commercial activities. Please respect the Author’spurpose, Let’s do the share. Make it better!