【moz8-2014】Mikado发布了最新VBar Control radio-遥控器
本帖最后由 精灵 于 2014-12-19 22:11 编辑Mikado发布了概念产品VBar Control radio 也就是一台全新的遥控器,看得出来这台遥控器是花了工程师们很多心血的,早在2007年开始推出的Mikado Vbar三轴陀螺仪就一直引领业界,到现在已经红遍全球,卓越的性能也是各个大师选手的首选三轴陀螺仪控制系统。而今天Mikado发布了最新的VBar Control radio!
下面我用文字简单的介绍一下内容:首先就是外观来说,造型很独特!正面是一个大型的V字,也就是代表Vbar,开关间隙位置也是有够宽,连Kyle的手指都能放进去,我们这种小手就更容易了!你要知道他可是大个子,再就是背面的造型看上去手掌的握感很好,也是人体工程学的设计。当你使用Mikado Vbar和这个造型前卫遥控器的时候你可以直接在遥控器上对飞机进行各种参数设定,还能自定义开关对飞行中的风格、敏捷度、十字盘感度、锁尾感度、尾舵停止增益等我们常用到的数据进行更改,还能单独定义一个开关在飞行中进行调整!内含双向传输可以观看实时的数据,连振动值都可以看哦!下面是这个遥控器官方的影片,一睹为快吧!
Software Highlights:
Set up, programming and adjusting of VBar-controlled model helicopters accomplished directly via VBar Control transmitter.
No computer, control panel or smartphone necessary.
Instant access to almost every flight parameter from the transmitter controls, even in flight.
Easy programming for new helicopters via the familiar VBar setup wizard.
New ESC setup wizard for programming all types of speed controllers.
Bank switching with three banks.
Real time logging and real time vibration analysis readable from the transmitter.
Several telemetry functions are available, such as voltages, current, rpm, speed, and power consumption of the batteries (may need aditional hardware).
Storage of event log files like VBar event log, VBar Control event log, GPS way points, voltage logging etc.
Multiple timer functions available with warnings and reminders via sound, voice, or vibration output.
Wireless buddy boxing with two VBar Control transmitters, fully configurable.
Easy bind process, allows bind and fly of any model equipped with VBar Control (e.g. a buddy‘s heli) with your own transmitter (Model Sharing).
Software updates via internet using a simple VBar Control Manager app and the web browser.
Option for adding new features via apps, simple installation via internet, supports both Windows and Mac OS X-PCs, no drivers needed.
Additional airplane software will be available in summer 2014.
Hardware Highlights:
80 Channel 2.4 GHz FHSS bidirectional flight control, programming tup and telemetry remote control system.
VBar Control Satellite Receiver connects directly to VBar flybarless controller via 2.4GHz VBar-Link protocol.
Unlimited model memory.
Virtually unlimited number of control channels.
High range, low latency, antenna diversity on both transmitter and receiver.
Intelligent antenna monitoring and management.
XXtra Bright Graphic Display featuring high contrast and ambient light sensor to automatically control the display brightness, making it equally well readable in bright sunlight and in the dark.
Easy Dialog System with rotary dial for convenient and safe inputs, with optical, tactile and acoustic feedback.
Precision gimbals with four ball bearings, fully adjustable.
Collective stick equipped with optional throw limiter.
Fully equipped with four 3-position-switches, two quick-break-switches and two rotation knobs, all fully programmable.
Delicate rubber lining for comfortable, slip-free and safe holding.
3-point neck-strap attachment, for optimum balance.
Large 2 Watt loudspeaker for alarms and voice output.
Vibration alarm (adjustable).
Internal 8 MB flash memory.
Memory accessible as a USB memory stick, no drivers needed.
4.000 mAh Lithium Polymer battery allows for long run times.
Charge through USB connector or built-in charger.
Power Supply for fast charging included.
国内很多模友对这款遥控器非常感兴趣,却对Vbar-Control内部功能了解甚少!它是不是和Futaba、JR PROPO程序类似呢?官方也给出了德语和英语的内容,下面我们把内容大致翻译如下,让国内各位模友更多的了解它吧!等有售出版本时RCM将入一台亲自体验,到时再来实测报道。
*Vbar Control可以直接在遥控上完成对使用Vbar三轴陀螺仪的模型参数进行编辑调整。
*vbar Contorl可以实现回传功能,像基本的:电压、电池型号、转速、速度、及电池在飞行中消耗的容量(加装配件可实现)
*当使用两台Vbar Contorl的时候可以实现无线教学功能,这点太赞了!
*快速与模型对频程序,像XX朋友使用配备Vbar Contorl系统的直升机,都能使用自己的遥控器对频飞行,比如在比赛或者表演出现机械故障时,只要统一装备可以立即对频继续完成飞行。(模型分享)
*可通过简单的Vbar Contorl管理应用程序(App)或者网页进行软体的更新。
*可通过应用程式(App)来进行功能的扩展,简单的在线安装,不用驱动程序,能支援Windows和苹果的Mac OS X电脑操作系统。
*80个通道2.4Ghz FHSS双向传输信号控制制式、编辑/设定遥测遥控器系统。
*Vbar Contorl天线接收器可通过2.4Ghz Vbar连接器协议直接与Vbar三轴陀螺仪连接。
*配备三个孔位重心调节器,可将Vbar Control调整至最佳重心位置。
以上是Vbar Control全面功能详细介绍,从各个功能中能看出这款遥控器是目前市面上一款革新的产品,对比其他遥控器有很大的突破,很多功能都是前所未见的!当vbar使用者购买这款遥控器时能带来在外场飞行中诸多方便,比如:不必携带电脑、蓝牙设备就能实现现场调试立即进行飞行!超赞哦,目前这款遥控器价格还没公布,但是我个人感觉光是遥控器的话也不会太贵加上有与Vbar协定的连接器,根本无法预估其售价,因为根本不知道Mikado要定价多少。。。所以我们还是期待Mikado官方消息的发布吧!
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