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入门者必读: 如何选择一架电动飞机(转贴并翻译)

发表于 2014-1-18 22:09:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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下面的文章来自http://www.plawner.net/, 并已经征得作者得同意.

只是翻译的草稿, 但是阅读起来并不困难.如果大家喜欢,请跟帖.


How to choose a new/first plane


On most forums, this questions come once in a while and is a very relevant one, not only when you decide to buy your first plane, but all along the journey. In general, many planes are similar, so getting them is kind of useless, if you have already one from the same category. At the end of the day, everyone prefers several planes in his fleet, and drop many others. One of the beginner's temptation (not only beginners...) is to buy many planes, as they all look so nice. DON'T !!! as most people will regret it and also discover that most of them are not really what they wanted, or are just not adding any more fun to what they already have.

在很多论坛上, 这个有意思的问题不时的被人提出来, 不仅是买第一架模型飞机, 而是在整个过程中你都会遇到这个问题. 一般来说, 很多的模型飞机都是相似的, 假如你已经拥有某个类型中一架模型飞机, 那么就不一定要拥有其它的飞机了. 每个人最终都只能选择几架自己喜欢的飞机,加入到自己的机队中,同时不得不把那么多的其它飞机舍弃掉。对于初学者来说,一个很大的诱惑(其实不仅仅只是对初学者)就是想购买很多架模型飞机, 因为每一架看起来都那么漂亮。)千万不要这样做! 很多人会后悔, 他们发现大多数的模型飞机都不是他们想要的, 或者没有给他们增加更多的乐趣.

What are the possible angles to think about?


1.Type of equipment necessary for this plane


2.How difficult is it to build it


3.How difficult is it to transport it to the field


4.How difficult is it to fly it


5.How much flying time does it have


6.Do you leave near a location where you will be able to fly it


7.Money you want to spend


Let's review one by one now

1. Type of equipment necessary for this plane


Try to think to get equipment which will be re-usable, for your later planes. For example, avoid planes where the battery won't be re-usable later, or that the receiver/radio are just compatible with this plane, but nothing else.

一定要考虑到你得到的设备可以用在其他的模型飞机上. 比如, 要避免电池, 接受机, 发射机只能和这架飞机兼容, 而不能使用在其他的飞机上.

Check that the radio equipment you will buy is compatible with your country allowed frequencies


Check that the frequency you will choose, won't disturb anyone, at the place you plan to fly

检查你将选择的频率, 不能干扰在一起飞行的其他爱好者.

Think about how it will be, if you will decide to resell, in case you discover that this hobby is just not for you.


If you buy a plane, and you already have some batteries, you may look into a model that will be compatible with these batteries/ESC/motors you already have.

如果你准备买一架模型飞机, 你需要考虑新的飞机是否可以使用你已经有的一些电池, 电子调速器, 电动机

2. How difficult is it to build it


If you are not familiar with building methods, get an ARF (Almost Ready to Fly), and an easy one. Some “ARF“ are complicated to build, and take many hours. So ask the vendor, Ezone, before you'll buy a model, as if you don't know, building a plane could become hell, very easily, not mentioning that the end results might not even fly properly, if not well build. In general, most ARF are ok.

如果你不了解组装的技巧., 你需要选择一个ARF的模型飞机, 有的ARF飞机也很难组装, 需要花费几个小时的时间. 所有最好在购买前先询问模型商, 如果你不知道的话, 组装飞机就会成为一场地狱之旅. 如果没有组装好, 那么飞行会有问。
发表于 2014-1-22 16:19:47 | 显示全部楼层
不错入门者必读: 如何选择一架电动飞机(转贴并翻译) 电池 作者:Marshal 5137 入门者必读: 如何选择一架电动飞机(转贴并翻译) 电池 作者:Marshal 8061
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